Friday, June 20, 2014

Svensk maffia - unavailable

I wrote few some point......about my occupation from now.....what does implies......why am I m notorious.......who might be the people who's following me and how much money are in the world, as we speak. Those words, are vanished. As many of the movies I have post it. I even took the decision (motivated, I still believe!) to stop feeding my blogs, because of the censure issue. I realize now, that is not only the censure which I must struggle with. No. I must get ally with these days world's biggest "contamination": NARCOTICS! I must say that I feel myself vulnerable and quite helpless, in this case. It's structure, is a "bite" which I certainly, cannot chew. And by it's "structure", I understand to include even the influentially and notorious people I once admire and look up to. I am sorry, I'll pass this challenge!

Svensk mafia "Victor"


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