Wednesday, October 31, 2012

I am not alone

I'm not a stranger No I am yours With crippled anger And tears that still drip sore A fragile frame aged With misery And when our eyes meet I know you see I do not want to be afraid I do not want to die inside just to breathe in I'm tired of feeling so numb Relief exists I find it when I am cut I may seem crazy Or painfully shy And these scars wouldn't be so hidden If you would just look me in the eye I feel alone here and cold here Though I don't want to die But the only anesthetic that makes me feel anything kills inside I do not want to be afraid I do not want to die inside just to breathe in I'm tired of feeling so numb Relief exists I find it when I am cut Pain I am not alone I am not alone I'm not a stranger No I am yours With crippled anger And tears that still drip sore But I do not want to be afraid I do not want to die inside just to breathe in I'm tired of feeling so numb Relief exists I found it when I was cut

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Ecce Homo

Eu sunt o-mperechere de straniu Si comun, De aiurari de clopot Si framantari de clape - In suflet port tristetea planetelor ce-apun, Si-n cantece, triumful caderilor de ape... Eu sunt o cadentare de bine Si de rau, De glasuri razvratite Si resemnari tarzii - In gesturi port sfidarea a tot ce-i Dumnezeu, Si-n visuri, majestatea solarei agonii... Eu sunt o-ncrucisare de harfe Si trompete, De lenese pavane Si repezi farandole - In lacrimi port minciuna tacutelor regrete, Si-n ras, impertinenta sonorelor mandole. Eu sunt o armonie de proza Si de vers, De crime Si idile, De arta Si eres - In craniu port Imensul, stapan pe Univers, Si-n vers, vointa celui din urma Nenteles!...