Monday, September 30, 2013
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Leadership; is it better to be people or task oriented?
What is most important when managing people? To concentrate first on getting the tasks done and caring for people second? Or, caring for people first and the tasks which need to be done second?
Note, I am not saying concentrate on tasks to the exclusion of people or vice-versa, just a clear hierarchy of importance.
Most of the organisations I have worked with have no clear idea. The decisions, on what to concentrate, are usually determined by individual behaviours of the leaders in the organisation.
It is clear, from research that employees generally are a dissatisfied group. In a 2004 study by TNS it was revealed about employees that:
- 40% feel disconnected from their jobs
- 66% of workers do not identify with their employer's goals and objectives
- 25% of the workforce is just showing up for work.
More worryingly, in a survey for the Conference Board by TNS in 2007 of 5000 US households, the percentage of workers who were satisfied by year, were revealed as:
- 61 percent (1987)
- 59 percent (1995)
- 51 percent (2000)
- 52 percent (2005)
- 47 percent (2006).
My observations are that people become satisfied at work, and often at home as a result, when they feel they have a purpose. The tasks we are set to do reflect our purpose. It does not matter whether we are set the tasks directly by our supervisor or we have been given an overall task to set up our own sub-tasks to achieve an objective. The important element is that we have something to achieve against which we and others can measure ourselves.
Happily, an organisation with a clear goal and well developed strategies and tactics will have clear tasks and measures of success for those tasks. Even better, my personal sense of purpose matches the need of the organisation.
So an organisation with a clear goal, well communicated strategies and tactics should be a very satisfying place to work, should it not?
Once more, my observation is that this is not always so. The emphasis on accommodation of people's needs over the tasks required to be completed disturbs the clear line between goal, strategy, tactics, task and a sense of purpose. It is also my observation that the concentration on an employee's individual needs and relationships has increased in preference to task markedly since I started work over thirty years ago.
There is now a predilection for translating looking after employees to building a relationship with them. Not only that, the relationship is defined by "liking" the leader, rather than respect borne from being consistent, persistent and insistent.
In a survey by the Society for Human Resource Management in 2007, the top five "very important" aspects of job satisfaction, according to employees themselves, were:
- Compensation
- Benefits
- Job security
- Work/life balance, and
- Communication between employees and senior management.
The top five aspects of employee job satisfaction predicted by HR professionals were:
- Relationship with immediate supervisor
- Compensation
- Management recognition of employee job performance
- Benefits, and
- Communication between employees and senior management.
Note that relationships were most important to the HR fraternity and not important to employees.
Leaders who try to build "relationships" by accommodating one or more employee's demands separate to the rest of their team signal that relationships are more important than getting the job at hand done. They signal that individual "happiness" is more important than accomplishing the team's purpose. They can also inadvertently signal elements of bias.
However, if leaders focus on their goal, they can more easily be seen to be consistent and help reduce any perception of bias.
By focusing on tasks whilst maintaining a relationship with subordinates, leaders can maintain a position of authority and still be considered as friendly.
Leaders must be clear about the goal of their department.
They must be clear about the major tasks which individuals need to complete:
- Every day
- Every week
- Every month
- Seasonally.
Or they must be clear about the goals that more competent individuals must set for themselves and, thereby, the tasks they must set for themselves.
Differences in leaders' performance can be explained by the extent to which the leader is task- and or person-oriented
- Task-oriented leaders
- manage/lead by instruction or goal setting
- are more hands-off with regard to people
- Person-oriented leaders
- show concern for subordinates
- are warm and supportive
- are more hands-off with regard to tasks.
The following table illustrates the benefits of focusing on task and the person.
Low task | High Task | |
High person |
Low person |
In my view, whilst it is clear that leaders who concentrate on the task and the person is ideal, I would rather have a task-oriented leader who is a little less able to be warm and supportive of subordinates than a leader who is very warm and supportive but cannot set goals and manage tasks.
Saturday, September 28, 2013
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Thursday, September 26, 2013
Serbs - Romanians
"Protestantism is one of the major divisions within Christianity. It has been defined as "any of several church denominations denying the universal authority of the Pope and affirming the Reformation principles of justification by faith alone, the priesthood of all believers, and the primacy of the Bible as the only source of revealed truth" and, more broadly, to mean Christianity outside "of an Orthodox or Catholic church". It is a movement that is widely seen as beginning in Germany by Martin Luther with The Ninety-Five Theses in 1517 as a reaction against medieval doctrines and practices, especially in regard to salvation, justification, and ecclesiology. The doctrines of the over 33,000 Protestant denominations vary, but most include justification by grace through faith alone, known as Sola Gratia and Sola Fide respectively, the priesthood of all believers, and the Bible as the supreme authority in matters of faith and morals, known as Sola Scriptura, Latin for "by scripture alone".
In the 16th century, the followers of Martin Luther established the evangelical (Lutheran) churches of Germany and Scandinavia. Reformed churches in Hungary, Scotland, Switzerland and France were established by other reformers such as John Calvin, Huldrych Zwingli, and John Knox. The Church of England declared independence from papal authority in 1534, and was influenced by some Reformation principles, notably during the English Civil War. There were also reformation movements throughout continental Europe known as the Radical Reformation which gave rise to the Anabaptist, Moravian, and other pietistic movements."
In the 16th century, the followers of Martin Luther established the evangelical (Lutheran) churches of Germany and Scandinavia. Reformed churches in Hungary, Scotland, Switzerland and France were established by other reformers such as John Calvin, Huldrych Zwingli, and John Knox. The Church of England declared independence from papal authority in 1534, and was influenced by some Reformation principles, notably during the English Civil War. There were also reformation movements throughout continental Europe known as the Radical Reformation which gave rise to the Anabaptist, Moravian, and other pietistic movements."
Serbs in Romania enjoy all their basic human rights, including religious, guaranteed by the Romanian constitution, unfortunately Romanians living in Timok, Serbia are prohibited to even pray in their own language. "Romanians living in Serbia do not have any basic human rights, being discriminated for even practicing their religion in their native language," writes one of the prestigious Romanian daily papers, Evenimentul Zilei.
In the recent days, the prevailing opinion in the Balkans that Serbs and Romanians have excellent relations, is proving to be a farce. Apparently, the Serbian nationalism did not spare from persecution and discrimination the ethnic Romanian minority that lives in Timok, Serbia.
Here are the facts: in 2005, an ethnic Romanian of Serbia, Bojan Aleksandrovic was ordained by his Romanian Orthodox Bishop, his Highness, Daniil, and his property was turned into a church, a small religious community where ethnic Romanians would pray in their own language, baptize their newborns or mourn their deceased family members.
Frightened by the poor Romanian Orthodox bishop who could possibly rejuvenate the national identity of these persecuted ethnic Romanians for decades, Serbian authorities reacted in a very violent fashion, again. Initially, they tried to crushingly suppress the church. It was not even important that the church was Orthodox. In fact, "protection of Orthodoxy" is a motto Serbs always display whenever it is in their personal interests.
On April 2006, a delegation of Serbian Orthodox Church visited Bucharest to reach an agreement, "with a jaw towards the sky and the other towards the ground," a Romanian colloquialism. Sometimes with threats, and sometimes with soft-talking words such as "Orthodox brothers," Serbs achieved their goal by removing the Diocese of Romanian Orthodox Episcopate from Vrscac (Vrsoara) in Serbia to Romania.
They [Serbs] even asked to modify the title of episcopate, while we [Romanians] also agreed to not accuse them for being intentionally negative on this issue against ethnic Romanians in Serbia. Hence, the Episcopate of Vrsac became Dacia Felix, a title inspired by our [Romanian] horrendous fate.
According to the agreement signed in Bucharest, Serbs agreed that they would take care of ethnic Romanians living in Timok Valley in Serbia, meaning that they would ordain bishops who speak Romanian.
Henceforth, so to speak, the negotiations seemed to be moving ahead when a poorly educated Romanian bishop was ordained as from an angel, who always gallantly appeared onto his Cossack as of a reformed confessor. The ordained bishop, although he appeared to be a humble man, his deals with his Serbian Christian Orthodox friends to racketeer with electricity and wood products for construction became a very familiar habit.
Nevertheless, he kept his promise. But Serbs informed Bishop Bojan that they would excommunicate him from the right of preaching anymore. Motive? Because he gave his sermons in Romanian language! While ethnic Serbs in Romania enjoy their religious rights guaranteed by the state - have a Vicariat in Timisoara - the ethnic Romanians living in Timok Valley, in Serbia, are not allowed to pray in their native language. So much about human rights and religious rights in Serbia!
It is worth mentioning a bizarre statement of the Serbian Orthodox Patriarch Pavle regarding the activation of the Romanian episcopates in Bassarabia (Republic of Moldavia): "The history of the reactivation of the Metropolitan of Bassarabia is part of the darkest periods of human kind - resembling to the period of Nazi occupation!"
May God have mercy on those who consider Serbs as "brothers."
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Precocious puberty
Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that may interfere with the body’s endocrine system and produce adverse developmental, reproductive, neurological, and immune effects in both humans and wildlife. A wide range of substances, both natural and man-made, are thought to cause endocrine disruption, including pharmaceuticals, dioxin and dioxin-like compounds, polychlorinated biphenyls, DDT and other pesticides, and plasticizers such as bisphenol A. Endocrine disruptors may be found in many everyday products– including plastic bottles, metal food cans, detergents, flame retardants, food, toys, cosmetics, and pesticides. The NIEHS supports studies to determine whether exposure to endocrine disruptors may result in human health effects including lowered fertility and an increased incidence of endometriosis and some cancers. Research shows that endocrine disruptors may pose the greatest risk during prenatal and early postnatal development when organ and neural systems are forming.
Avoid the following when possible:
1. Detergents and household products containing nonylphenol ethoxylates (NPEs). NPEs are hormone disruptors commonly used in many industrial processes, such as the production of oil, pulp and paper, synthetic and natural textiles and leather, and are a component of many household products. They are also used as additives in latex paints and cosmetics, as anti-oxidants and stabilizers in some plastics, and in some pesticides. A form of NPE called “Nonoxynol-9 is the active ingrediant in contraceptive spermicides.
2. Fatty foods such as: butter; cheese; “full-fat” cottage cheese, cream, ice cream, sour cream; whole milk; meat. Instead, choose low- or reduced-fat, natural and organic versions of these products. Remember, many hormonal contaminants, heavy metals, and other environmental toxins get stored in the fatty tissues of animals, as well as high-fat foods.
3. Heating food in plastic containers
4. Herbicide and pesticide use; Use non-toxic alternatives.
5. Areas recently sprayed with herbicides and/or pesticides.
6. Liquid Soaps: Some, like “Softsoap”, contain “Triclosan,” an antibacterial agent that has been associated with hormone disruption.
7. Lotions: Some contain phthalates.
8. Mercury: Mercury is used to produce button-type batteries, chlorine, fluorescent lights, pesticides, polyurethane, and thermometers, and is a component of mercury amalgam dental fillings. Request composite, gold, or porcelain fillings from your dentist, instead of mercury amalgam.
9. Batteries: Properly dispose of all dead batteries as hazardous waste, since batteries often contain cadmium, lead, and/or mercury. “Lowe’s Home Improvement” stores provide recycling containers for such batteries in their lobbies.
10. Plastics and synthetic products: Plastics often contain two chemicals considered to be hormone disruptors: bisphenol A (a key ingredient in certain kinds of hard plastics, the epoxy lining of cans used for canned foods, and some dental sealants) and phthalates (used to soften plastics).
11. Direct contact between plastic cling wrap and food, especially hot fatty food.
12. Storing fatty foods in plastic containers or plastic wrap
13. Nonstick cookware
14. Processed and refined foods.
15. Products containing “Triclosan”: An antibacterial and antifungal (disinfectant) agent found in many common household products such as acne medications, antimicrobial creams, cosmetics, deodorants, detergents, dishwashing liquids, hand sanitizers, lotions, skin cleansers, toothpaste, mouthwashes, kitchen sponges, soaps such as “Softsoap”, various plastics including children’s toys, paint, wallpaper, flooring, textiles, curtains, sandal foot beds, public railings, keyboards, countertops, faucets, even dog bowls. It is being added to an increased number of consumer products including kitchen utensils, cutting boards, socks, and trash bags.Linens may be treated with this antimicrobial treatment in the near future. (See list below).
16. Products containing “Microban” or “Biofresh”: “Triclosan” goes by the trade name “Microban” when used in plastics and clothing, and as “Biofresh” when used in acrylic fibers.
17. Shampoos and conditioners
18. Stain-resistant fabrics
19. Sunscreens: Choose organic, chemical-free, “for sensitive skin” versions of these.
20. Vinyl (PVC) blinds: These contain polyvinylchloride (PVC).
To further reduce your exposure to endocrine disruptors:
1. Educate yourself, your family, and friends about endocrine disruptors.
2. Wash your hands and those of your children often, and always before eating.
3. Heat cold water for cooking instead of using hot tap water.
4. Allow cold (not hot) water to flow from the water tap, after long period of disuse, in order to flush out lead-contaminated water.
5. Eat lower on the food chain and include a variety of beans, legumes, nuts and seeds, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
6. Eat fewer and smaller portions of fatty meat and high-fat dairy products, since many hormonal contaminants are stored in fat.
7. Choose fat-free or low-fat dairy, fish, and meat products. If you eat fish from bays, lakes, rivers, or streams, first check with your state to learn if they are contaminated.
8. When purchasing meat, choose “American Grass-Fed” products from animals that had been raised without the use of antibiotics and hormones.
9. Purchase organic food whenever possible, and eat plenty of whole-grain, high-fiber foods, in order to minimize your intake and absorption of endocrine disruptors.
10. Wash and peel non-organic fruits and vegetables.
11. Buy food grown locally and in season. Local farm methods are generally more accountable and transparent than those used in large agricultural corporations. Many pesticides whose use has been banned in the United States continue to be produced, sold to, and used in other countries, who then sell their produce back to American markets.
12. Microwave food using microwave-safe ceramic and glass cookware, instead of plastic containers and plates.
13. Use cast-iron or stainless steel cookware, instead of nonstick.
14. Reduce your use of plastics in general: Use food-safe glass or ceramic containers to store food when possible. Use a stainless steel container as a water bottle, in place of a plastic bottle. Provide children with products made from natural materials (ex., cotton, non-toxic wood toys, etc.) that are free of Bisphenol A, phthalates, and other endocrine disruptors.
15. Avoid chemicals in your personal care and cleaning products.
16. Use non-toxic, environmentally-friendly household cleansers, laundry detergents, and dishwashing liquid.
17. Exercise frequently, in order to reduce stress, promote health, boost your immunity, and help your organs and vascular system to function more efficiently.
18. Support efforts to ban or restrict the use of endocrine disruptors, and demand better regulation from the Environmental Protection Agency, Food and Drug Administration, state and local government and health department, agribusiness, industry, and manufacturers of children’s products and toys, etc.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
"Obesity gene linked to happiness"
Slim = sad. Fat = happy
If you think going on a diet is depressing, you are right. And here's the part that really hurts
It is the body type that millions yearn for. They seek slender, toned perfection, thinking it will bring sex, power and happiness. However, they should prepare to be disappointed - and deeply depressed.
A new study has revealed that, rather than being content and confident, slim people struggle to deal with life's woes. Anxiety and mental suffering often dominate their lives - to such a degree that they are much more likely to commit suicide than large people.
The startling new insight into the deep mental troughs many slender people sink into comes in a report led by psychologists at Bristol University. They teamed up with colleagues across Europe to study the lifestyles of thousands of people and the results were stark: thin people were far less happy than rotund ones.
Over a 16-year period, the ups and downs of more than a million lives were examined and it was found that as a person's body mass index (BMI) rose the risk of serious depression fell. And when the scientists considered more than 3,000 people who had committed suicide they found that their BMI was on average significantly lower than those who did not kill themselves.
Various other factors that could bias the results, such as socio-economic status, were taken into account.
"We were quite surprised as there is a view that people who are overweight may be stigmatised and made to feel depressed," said Professor David Gunnell, of Bristol University, one of the authors of the study, which is to appear in the American Journal of Epidemiology.
"Our findings provide some support for the idea that fatter people are at a reduced risk of the problems that lead to suicide."
That did not come as a surprise to those who warn about the dangers of losing weight.
Joanne Roper, of Hugs International, an anti-diet pressure group, said: "Slimming makes you miserable. Dieting can bring people down and make them obsessed with their body image. You've got to be happy with what you've got and not worry about things too much. It takes work but if you can accept yourself as you then you'll be happy generally."
Concetta Clarizo, 31, from Essex, said that when she lost weight it had not made her happy. "Dieting books always have very clear rules, which are eat less and exercise more and then you'll be normal and then you'll be happy. Well it's rubbish."
The daytime television presenter Fern Britton drew criticism when she insisted that she was "a jolly size 16" and said that diets did not make people happy.
Emma Hayes, 44, from Brighton, agreed. "Being thin is not a recipe for happiness," she said. "I've never dieted in my life and I'm wonderfully happy. I don't know many people that are happier than me."
The pan-European study revealed that for each 5kg per square metre increase in BMI, the risk of suicide decreased by 15 per cent.
Exactly why is not clear, although there are a number of theories. Some research shows that people with insulin resistance, a condition associated with a raised BMI, may have a reduced risk of depression and suicidal behaviour.
Insulin resistance is associated with levels of serotonin, the feel-good hormone. One of the main types of antidepressant drugs works by increasing the amount of serotonin.
It is possible, researchers say, that people who eat more have higher levels of serotonin, which may lower levels of depression. Other research has found a link between obesity and low levels of anxiety and depression.
"High BMI appears to be associated with lower suicide risk," said Professor Gunnell. However, he added: "Since a high BMI is also associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and other important causes of morbidity and mortality, we would not recommend interventions to increase BMI to prevent suicide or increase levels of happiness."
SIZE MATTERSNot thin Emma Hayes is 44, single and lives in Brighton. She is the owner of Emma Plus, a fashion store for larger women."Being thin is not necessarily a recipe for happiness. I've never dieted, and I'm wonderfully happy. I don't know many people happier than me. I think the thing is to be contented and accepting of who you are.
"Many of the things I have are due to me being large. I have my own business and I really enjoy it and I have beautiful clothes and I have my health.
"We laugh at work. One of my customers drove past the other day and saw us all dancing around the shop. Life is what you make of it.
Thin Concetta Clarizio is 31 and lives in Essex with her boyfriend. She shed pounds dieting but laments that it has not lifted her spirits."Being thin is not all it's cracked up to be. Getting there and staying that way can be a real mental drain for some. Dieting is about deprivation. It can make you more depressed than being obese.
"I tried diets with the food replacement drinks. I felt I was being punished and the portions were being reduced for no justifiable reason."
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Poe's objectification of women
5 Ways Modern Men Are Trained to Hate Women
If you're not the type to keep up with ugly, soul-killing political controversies, let me catch you up: A while back, hugely popular political commentator Rush Limbaugh lost a bunch of advertisers because he publicly called a college girl a slut and a prostitute after she suggested that health insurance plans should cover birth control. But he's paid to say outrageous things. If you really want to feel all dead inside, you need to listen to what the regular folk were saying. For instance, on crazy political message board, posters referred to the girl in the above-referenced story (Sandra Fluke) as a "Nasty, disease-ridden plodding uterus, an utter skank crack-ho filthy whore, a prostitute slutbag juice-receptacle" and a "Sperm-burpin' gutter slut," and said she "... is so encrusted and used, that I had to throw out my flat-panel TV because her appearance on my TV infected it with AIDS, gonorrhea and syphilis." There are many, many more worse comments collected here and here and here.
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Capra neagră-n piatră calcă, cum o calca-n patru crapa! Crapă capul caprii-n patru, cum a crăpat piatra-n patru!:) / Tres tristes tigres tragan trigo en un trigal:)
PERLE BAC 2013. Ce au scris elevii care au dat examenul de BACALAUREAT la română: "Am auzit că era o comedie, ceva cu o scrisoare, dar nu ştiam pe nimeni" PERLE BAC 2013.
Candidaţii la sesiunea de toamnă de la BACALAUREAT 2013 au fost, ca de obicei, fie extaziaţi de subiectele uşoare, considerându-se pregătiţi "beton", fie nemulţumiţi amarnic, un subiect problemă pentru unii fiind nuvela "Budulea Taichii" de Ioan Slavici, al cărei nume le-a fost greu să-l pronunţe. Mulţi dintre tinerii care s-au prezentat la examenul de bacalaureat, luni, la proba scrisă de limba română, au fost la fel de nepregătiţi ca şi astă vară. "Am venit la noroc. Iese, bine. Nu, asta este. Eu am citit o săptămână şi am făcut două subiecte. Cred că a fost suficient, ca să trec. La comedie, am scris titlul «O scrisoare pierdură», atât", se lăuda Iulian care a susţinut proba scrisă la limba română, singura la care nu a obţinut notă de trecere în vară, în centrul organizat la Colegiul "Spiru Haret". Candidaţii au avut de rezolvat varianta de subiect cu numărul opt la proba scrisă la Limba şi literatura română susţinută luni. Mai concret, ei au avut de analizat un fragment din nuvela "Budulea Taichii" a lui Ioan Slavici, de redactat un text argumentativ despre importanţa comunicării pentru succesul muncii în echipă şi un eseu privind relaţia dintre două personaje dintr-o comedie studiată. În centrul de la Colegiul "Spiru Haret" au fost tineri care au ieşit rapid din sală întrucât nu au reuşit să rezolve nici un minim de cerinţe care le-ar fi permis să ia un 5. "Nu ne-au dat voie să ieşim cu subiectele din sală. Ne-au zis că am stat prea puţin înăuntru", explică un grup de tineri care au rămas la taclale în faţa colegiului, în aşteptarea unor prieteni. "Nu am ştiut nimic. A fost nasol rău. Am auzit că era o comedie, ceva cu o scrisoare, dar nu ştiam pe nimeni", spune un altul râzând. Alte două tinere ţâşnesc şi el din şcoală foarte supărate: "Ce personaje din comedie? Ce comedie? Şi celelălat, Slavici. Nu am ştiut nimic", vorbesc ele tare, cât să le audă şi să le aprobe toţi cei de afară în aceeaşi situaţie cu a lor. În centrul de la Colegiul "Dimitrie Cantemir" primii candidaţi care au ieşit din sală au fost la fel de neştiutori. "Am avut ceva ce nici nu ştiu cum se cheamă, Bădi Tăileu, nu ştiu, Apoi am avut ceva despre importanţa comunicării în munca de echipă şi două personaje dintr-o comedie studiată. A fost greu", spune Alina. Au fost însă şi candidaţi cărora subiectele li s-au părut uşoare. "Au fost uşoare. Adică beton. Beton, că de-aia am ajuns în toamnă", spune Marian, care a susţinut proba în centrul de la Şcoala Centrală. "Uşor, doamnă, că noi am fost la uman", îl completează un prieten. Uşor - aşa a fost şi în 2012, toamna, când, după contestaţii, au promovat 20,4 la sută dintre candidaţii înscrişi la bacalaureat. "Din păcate, copiii nu mai vor să înveţe. Mă uit la fiica mea. Ar fi făcut orice altceva decât să citească o carte. Cu chiu cu vai am reuşit s-o conving să deschidă manunalele. Am citit împreună comentarii. Nu ştiu de ce, dar am sentimentul că tinerii tot trag nădejde că vor putea promova prin fraudă sau, cum zic ei, prin noroc. Dar fără să deschidă o carte", spune una dintre mămicile care încă îşi mai însoţeşte fiica la examen.
PERLE BAC 2013 - "Nu am un model, pentru ca nu prea citesc. Dar, daca dati acelasi subiect, o sa-mi aleg, pentru sesiunea de toamna." Iata ce a scris un absolvent de liceu la un subiect ce valora o treime din nota finala a probei de limba romana. PERLE BAC 2013 - Elevii care au sustinut, luni, proba la limba si literatura de la examenul de bacalaureat 2013 au oferit si in acest an "perle" memorabile, printre care: "Eu il iubesc pe Radu Mazare, pentru ca e baiat de viata si e foarte bun in politica. A dus fetele la vot in costum de baie si face Invierea pe plaja. L-am prins odata in club ametit si a dat noroc cu mine, nu s-a jenat." "N-am model ca nu prea citesc. O sa am pana in sesiunea de toamna. Dar cred ca dati alt subiect." "Am un var carciumar care este modelul meu. La el la bar vine si primarul si n-are treaba cu SANEPID-ul sau controale. Acum isi face terasa pe faleza. La el sunt numai bucati." "Eu il iubesc pe Radu Mazare, pentru ca e baiat de viata si e foarte bun in politica. A dus fetele la vot in costum de baie si face Invierea pe plaja. L-am prins odata in club ametit si a dat noroc cu mine, nu s-a jenat." "Modelul meu este Ilie Nastase, pentru ca nu ii pasa de gura lumii si s-a insurat de multe ori. Cand l-a suparat cineva i-a dat-o la temelie." Sunt perfect conectati la prezentul care include actori politici, climat economic si mai ales episoade de can-can! Candidatii- cei mai mult majori, restul la un pas de majorat- si-au selectat modele reale, nu ca parintii lor- din carti. Argumentele sunt insa, de multe ori, cel putin surprinzatoare. "As vrea sa ajung ca Steve Jobs, cel care a descoperit telefonul mobil (nu dau nume) si tableta. Pentru ca a fost inteligent si insistent a facut miliarde de dolari. Pacat ca a murit tanar, eu voi merge mai des pe la doctor. Si poate voi face si eu descoperiri importante, sunt pasionata de tehnologie." "Eu il admir cel mai mult pe LOUIS AMSTRONG, primul om care a pasit pe luna. A avut curaj, pentru ca racheta putea sa explodeze cu o bomba pusa de rusi. De atunci, cand fac ceva important zis ca e un pas mare pentru mine. Dar daca pasul a fost facut intr-un studio de filmat, cum spun unii, nu-l mai vreau ca model." "N-am model ca nu prea citesc. O sa am pana in sesiunea de toamna. Dar cred ca dati alt subiect." "Eu il aleg pe Nelson Mandela pentru ca mi-a placut filmul cu Morgan Freeman. El a spus ca inchisoarea nu e asa rea, daca dupa aia scapi si esti fericit. Pacat ca am inteles ca moare." "Modelul meu este tatal meu care este preot la parohia mare din centru. Il asculta toata lumea, are un program lejer si venituri bune. Imi plac si Papa Paul si Patriarhul, care fac biserici mari si oamenii sunt fericiti." "Modelul meu de viata sunt eu insumi, lucrez ca ospatar la MAI si sunt foarte mandru. la ora 8 incepe nebunia, cu cafele, ceaiuri si de mancare la majoritatea din unitate." 30 de puncte a valorat acest subiect la bacalaureat, profil real. Dincolo de nota, rezultatul final al alegerii facute de adolescenti se va afla peste cel putin 10 ani.
Friday, September 13, 2013
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Monday, September 9, 2013
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Saturday, September 7, 2013
These Days, Men Are the Gold Diggers
Lately, I’ve noticed that more and more single men are openly discussing their desire to marry rich women. The trend is worth noting because it represents an inversion of gender roles in the traditional approach to marrying for money, which, over the course of history, has predominantly involved eager young women unabashedly pursuing eligible wealthy men.
This sudden emergence of mercenary bachelors can be explained, in part, by the poor state of the American economy. Increasingly, enterprising young men are losing faith in the conventional career paths that once guaranteed healthy-sized fortunes. Banking, as well as other professions in the financial sector, no longer promise truly irresistible rewards. And in addition to the troubles on Wall Street, there seems to be a consensus among the upwardly mobile that the nation has entered something of an economic Dark Age, where virtually all efforts to get rich the old-fashioned way through hard work and ingenuity are futile. Over the summer, I spent some time chatting with close male friends of mine about the status of their romantic lives. A few of them were enjoying casual relationships, but mentioned that they genuinely wished to settle down for good (preferably with a mate who could easily afford to support them for the rest of their lives). These discussions also included gossip about other men we knew, who were not simply talking about marrying rich women, but were actively pursuing a massive fortune at the altar. One of these audacious young men came within a few short steps of reaching his goal only to have his fiancée’s family place an ironclad pre-nup in his hands shortly before the ceremony. The maneuver set off a raging storm that ultimately tore the couple apart without hope of any future reconciliation.
Personally, I must admit that I don’t find it entirely surprising to see a growing number of bachelors cashing in on financially sound marriages. In this difficult economic climate, people are working whatever schemes they can to ascend the exclusive ranks of high society, the least harmful of which, it appears, involves professing love in exchange for money. Plus, there is a cultural precedent for precisely this sort of male ambition. I can’t say that men in the past would have publically acknowledged pursuing rich women with such fervor, but it certainly did happen. I’ve mentioned fashionable men of society in this column before—the legendary Porfirio Rubirosa among them—who always were sure to choose exorbitantly wealthy brides. In iconic American fiction, there’s William Dean Howells’s novel, The Rise of Silas Lapham. In one remarkably hilarious scene in the book, the patriarch of an old-line Bostonian family admonishes his son for preferring to work for a living instead of relying on the charity of his parents or the dowry of a potential new wife. This “plebeian reluctance” to depend on the wealth of others, the father laments, is the reason America shall never have an aristocracy of its very own.
Today, of course, people are far too pragmatic to consider whether or not their nuptial plans uphold ancient patrician values. Money and lifestyle are chief among the concerns of modern day swains. Until recently, women alone were associated with such “gold digging” ambitions and business strategies. But drastic changes in the economy, along with other significant social and cultural shifts, have encouraged men to embrace the time-honored practice with equal resolve.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
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