Thursday, January 31, 2013
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Monday, January 28, 2013
Alt for Norge!
Muslimer kräver en del av norskt territorium
Postad lördag 18 augusti, 2012
Den muslimska organisationen Ansar ul-Sunnah hotar att genomföra ett nytt 11 september i Norge om den norska staten inte ger muslimerna en del av landet. Organisationen kräver också Norges tillbakadragande från Afghanistan.
”Vi vill inte vara en del av det norska samhället. Och vi ser det heller inte som en nödvändighet att flytta ut ur Norge, då vi är födda och uppvuxna här. Och Allahs jord tillhör alla”, skriver muslimerna i ett brev som man skickat till landets politiker.
I brevet hotar man med ett nytt 11 september och skriver att attacken kommer att bli värre än Anders Behring Breivis dåd.
Brevet utreds nu av norska Säpo, PST. Flera medlemmar av gruppen har tidigare varit föremål för PST:s intresse, skriver VG.
Islamistiska separatister vill ha egen stat – i Oslo
Publicerat den 17 augusti 2012 kl 23:40
Utrikes. En radikal grupp norska muslimer varnar för ett nytt 22 juli eller 11 september på norsk mark. Det framkommer i ett hotfullt brev till norska myndigheter och tidningar.
I ett brev till norska tidningar och polis skriver en grupp norska muslimer att de avser skapa en islamsk stat i Grönland, en stadsdel i östra Oslo. Det skriver VG.
Polisen utreder ärendet och inledde under fredagen en förundersökning.
- Vi har startat efterforskningar av brevet, säger kommunikationsansvarige Siv Alsén i norska polisstyrelsen till VG.
Enligt uppgifter till tidningen är flera av medlemmarna i den islamistiska gruppen redan eftersökta av norsk polis, vilket lett till att polisen tagit breven på allvar.
Önskar apartheid
”Vi vill inte vara en del av Norge. Och vi ser inte det heller som någon nödvändighet att flytta från Norge då vi är födda här och Allahs jord tillhör alla. Men Grönland blir vårt. Spärra av stadsdelen och styra som vi önskar. Det är bäst för bägge parter. Vi vill inte leva tillsammans med skitiga odjur som er”, skriver gruppen bland annat.
Norska regeringen har inte velat uttala sig.
VG har kartlagt gruppen
VG skriver att de har följt gruppen en längre tid på internet. På flera nätsidor uttrycker unga män sitt stöd för den islamistiska separatismen, skriver tidningen. Många är utlänningar, men även ”etniska norrmän” som konverterat till islam finns i leden. Bland annat menar medlemmar i gruppen att ”islam ska dominera hela världen” samt att norrmän ska betala skatt till muslimerna.
Källor till VG menar att brevet troligen är autentiskt.
Islamistledaren och pakistaniern Ubaydullah Hussain, som är en av Norges mest profilerade och uppmärksamhetssökande islamister, hyllor terroristattacken i Algeriet. ”Må Allah den högsta belöna våra bröder”, skriver den norska ”Profetens Ummah”-ledaren på Facebook.
Budskapet, som postades igår morse, ligger tillsammans med en länk till en VG-artikel om att algeriska myndigheterna bekräftat att 23 personer ur gisslan mördats av muslimerna vid terrorattacken i Algeriet. Läs hela artikeln här.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Thursday, January 24, 2013
ugly behaviour. Ugly behaviour??
...well, your excellency, allow me to ask you this: what is your opinion related to the behaviour of the straight (hetero) couples, perfectly fit to reproduce and who choose not to. The motivation clames ussualy the "man's" apetite for "sexual menu variety" (and here, we might include ALL the unconventionally sexual "games")???
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Monday, January 21, 2013
Nazism ≠ Freemasonry
From time to time, we see anti-Masons attempting to 'prove' that Freemasonry is wrong because Adolph Hitler and his henchmen were fascinated by it. Their claim about Hitler's fascination is true - but it's totally and completely misleading.
Freemasons have for centuries suffered persecution because of their membership in the fraternity. Hitler's Germany was its ultimate indignity. While those of the Jewish faith endured the greatest loss of life and humanity, many descriptions of the Holocaust refer to "Jews, Gypsies, Freemasons and others" being consigned to the dreaded Concentration Camps and gas chambers.
From 1931, Reinhard Heydrich head of the Munich police political department (appointed to his position by SS leader Heinrich Himmler who was President of the Munich police and political police commander of Bavaria) had been responsible for creating an SS counter-intelligence service. The following year, he and Himmler redefined this as an ideological research-intelligence agency called the Security Service or SD. As Himmler moved into positions of greater power, the SD moved from the theoretical into the area of covert external operations including the 'Night of the Long Knives'.
Author Michael Burleigh notes in his major work The Third Reich - A New History that the SD created surrogate public opinion and that "A 1938 report included what became routine surveys of Freemasonry, whose essentially benign activities have always been a bugbear to the paranoid left and right. It began with a disarming flourish of erudition, outlining the various lodges and national traditions. Organized Freemasonry had been smashed because of its Enlightenment legacy of 'humanity, tolerance and liberalism', and because it was a vehicle for promoting 'Jewish ideas and objectives'."
Burleigh continues:
Freemasons were allegedly active in the Party, the Reichsbank and the German railways. Worse, low-level masons, granted an amnesty by the Führer, were abusing his magnanimity to reorganise. Although some appeared to conform to the new dispensation, their 'almost total rejection' of the measures taken against the Jews, attributed to their 'philanthropic training and outlook', was sinister. So were the wider connections. Former Freemasons had many 'social relations' with Jew, 'oppositional Church circles' and 'reactionary associations' so that 'cross connections of a personal nature exist, which have been consolidated by the ideological affinity of both enemy groups'. A museum in Nuremberg was helping to counteract the view that the apron and trowel crowd were pretty innocuous. The SD also had its eyes on international Freemasonry, learnedly unravelling obscure doctrinal rows between the English and French masons, the progress of masonry in Brazil or Uruguay, and its repression in Hungary, Ireland and Poland. It was worrying that most of the French cabinet were masons, not to speak of Roosevelt or the Earl of Harewood. The anti-Nazi activities of the American masons warranted detailed attention.
Later, Burleigh speaks of Occupation and Collaboration in Europe and notes:
Freemasons were feared by right-wing, clerical France as an occultic force with sinister international English and Jewish connections - the name Rothschild served multiple functions here - and as a corrupt nexus for radical businessmen, doctors, lawyers, teachers and twenty-five of the thirty-five members of Léon Blum's Popular Front government. In reality, the Freemasons were a more modest lot: liberal anti-clericalism and a dose of rationalist mumbo-jumbo went hand in hand with conviviality, philanthropy, and an old pals' network. The director of the Bibliothèque national, Bernard Fay, was appointed delegate of the French government to liquidate masonic lodges', with a separate registry of France's fifty thousand Freemasons - the Exposition Maçonnique - was opened at the Petit Palais, attracting over a million visitors in Paris and when it toured the provinces, come to gawp at aprons and triangles and the revealed names of those who really ran things.
The U. S. Holocaust Memorial Museum has devoted a section to the Nazi persecution of Freemasonry. Those visiting the Museum’s Permanent Exhibition will find in "Technology and Persecution" how the Nazis compiled and used information on their "enemies." This segment’s text states:
"All governments gather information about their citizens. The Nazi regime, however, used such information to track political opponents, enforce racial policies, and, ultimately, implement mass murder. As early as 1934, various government bureaus began to compile card catalogs identifying political and racial enemies of the regime, such as Freemasons, Jews, Gypsies, and ‘genetically diseased’ persons."
On the same floor of the Museum, another segment, entitled 'Enemies of the State', uses text, artifacts, and photographs to discuss the Nazi pre-war persecution of political opponents, Roma and Sinti (Gypsies), homosexuals, and Masons. Here, visitors learn about Nazi views on Freemasonry and about the Nazi belief in a "Jewish-Masonic conspiracy" which - it asserted - planned to take over the world. In order to illustrate these fears, a film monitor shows photographs of an anti-Masonic exhibition that was organized by the Nazis. In a number of popular public exhibitions, the Nazis created mock Lodge rooms complete with skeletons of lodge officers. The Scottish Rite Southern Jurisdiction has published an interesting article about the Museum's display about Freemasonry. It's certainly worth reading!
You can also read some of Hitler's materials linking the Jews and Freemasonry to his extermination programs. Right here is an example of one such horrid document.
For a further interesting example of government-sponsored anti-Masonic hate, we have some interesting stamps here and the sad story of how many lost their lives through a Nazi sympathizer, Bernard Fay - mentioned above, posing as a friend to Masons is here....
At this link, you'll find several more articles written by Freemasons about this topic for those interested in some in-depth research.
Another interesting article published not long ago in the respected Atlantic Monthly magazine talks about persecutions in Vichy France. You can read it online here. A second interesting article in the same magazine written by a person who led the investigation into artwork stolen by Hilter and his henchmen also notes their desire to find propaganda material against Jews and Freemasonry called "Loot for the Master Race". It's online here.
Other examples abound. The claim that Freemasonry and Hitler are intertwined is not wholly inaccurate: Masons suffered from his mass atrocities as did others!
Book citations from "The Third Reich - a new history" by Michael Burleigh. Hill & Wang, New York. 2000. ISBN 0-8090-0325-1.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
...din Pribeagu:)
"Desi-s nascut in Paraguai, eu sunt roman de vita veche;
Sunt demn urmas al lui Mihai
Si ma-nrudesc cu Karcaleke
Imi trag, din Ghica si Stirbey,
Blazonul, ca si filigrama;
Dar, dintre toti stramosii mei,
Cea mai celebra a fost mama!
Era cantata de poeti si toti o ridicau in slava
Si parcalabi si logofeti
Ii sarutau mana suava.
La curtea lui Lisandru Ban,
Mergea la brat cu Dalay-Lama;
Si din istoricul Divan,
Cea mai celebra a fost mama!
Umbland de-a pururea pribeag si strabatand intreaga lume,
Adesea ma gandeam cu drag
La fericirea tarii-mume,
La neamul nostru de iloti,
Ce-n lupta nu stiau ce-i teama
Si-mi aminteam ca, dintre toti,
Cea mai celebra a fost mama!
Intrat in tara, m-am dus drept la minister, la-agricultura;
Si-un sef ursuz mi-a spus s-astept
Si mi-a trantit si-o-njuratura.
L-am ascultat cu interes
Si-abia atuncea mi-am dat seama
Ca sunt roman si, mai ales,
Cat de celebra a fost mama!
Cum lemnele s-au terminat, m-am dus sa spui la Primarie,
Dar dom' Primar mi-a inchinat
Un Dumnezeu si-o liturghie.
Vazandu-l ca-i bisericos
Si in familie-mi da iama,
Am priceput cu mult folos,
Cat de celebra a fost mama!
La dom' Prefect m-am dus grabit, sa-i spun durerea ce ma paste,
Dar dom' Prefect mi-a pomenit
Ceva de mama si de Paste!
L-am ascultat pana-am vazut
Ca m-ameninta cu lama,
Si-atunci abia am priceput,
Cat de celebra a fost mama!
Pluteam in cerul alb de nea, ferice cum n-as fi crezut-o
Si, mandru ca pe mama mea
Atati boeri au cunoscut-o
Si, bucuros de-acest succes,
Care de mult trecuse vama,
Abia atunci am inteles
Cat de celebra a fost mama!
Proprietarul - tip suspus - a vrut sa ma evacueze
Si la ministru-ntins m-am dus,
Rugandu-l sa ma protejeze.
Ministru-ndata s-a intins
Si m-a trecut prin toata gama
De cruci si sfinti, ca m-am convins
Cat de celebra a fost mama!
Am intrebat, ieri, un gardist: - Pe unde-i strada Melodrama?
Dar el, vazand ca eu insist,
Mi-a spus maica mamei.
Eu l-am privit, naiv si prost,
Si, neputand sa-i spui nimica,
Vazui cat de celebre-au fost
Si mama mea, dar si bunica!"
Ion Pribeagu
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Monday, January 7, 2013
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Stanley Kubrick, Dr. Strangelove:)
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
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