Angels never die. They cannot, because they don't have a personal life. Not sure if they exist either but if they would, then they would live through me, through you, through all the others to come. What is dying, are only our dreams, hopes and illusions that we made up every day, and which life would be meaningless, without them. A life without illusions is like a balance without one of the cymbal, its simply unjustified. We creating and destroying illusions with the ease that children are creating soap bubbles. Many of them are indeed soap bubbles and we aware of that from the very beginning but.......we love them and let us care it away by the eternal "....what if". The ugly part occurs when the soap bubbles explode in our face and for just a second distance, another bubble is to takes its place in an endless chain of weaknesses. Cheap thoughts are replaced by others equal poor than the previews once in a desperate attempt to change something in a place already scorching by helplessness.
"Despair" is a great word and probably the engine of many radical changes but how many of us are willing to admit this? It has been depreciate and now it sounds trite, the same as that, "I m stressed" said with the hypocrisy in the attempting, (as well disparate) to keep attention over our own inability. With one or another, two or several more than yesterday.
After all, “Human life begins on the far side of despair” (Sartre).